Let me introduce myself - my name is Benit Dunit.
I was born on the 26th of February in 1964 at Whittier Hospital in Whittier, California.
I’m a 100% disabled Veteran and I served in the Army as a 19 Delta Calvary Scout.
I have a passion to reach others to write their Benit Dunit story better, each day.
Benit Dunit Ownit — Do It,
Whatever it takes, we’re going to get through it!
Benit Dunit Ownit - Do It.
One morning I woke up and made my way to the restroom. I stopped, looked at myself in the mirror and said, you can be a better person. I paused and thought, I’ve not only said things I shouldn’t have, but I also thought things that I shouldn’t have; I need to be more like my Father and Uncle - strong men with their own flaws, but men of their word. The type of men that when you shook their hand, it meant you kept your word. I then looked closer in the mirror and said, you know who you are? All of sudden, something welled up inside me. I pointed to my reflection and said, oh my gosh! You’re Benit Dunit!